
Wearing face masks is one of the best ways of protecting yourself andothers from COVID-19, especially when in poorly ventilated spaces orwhen it is hard to physically distance yourself from others. Studentsand staff in years 3 to 6 are encouraged to wear a mask while indoors.People with COVID-19 and household contacts must

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Room 6

Hi to the Families and Whanau of room 6. I am looking forward to working with your child this year. It has been a tricky start to the year with so much uncertainty about. If your child is unwell or isolating, please have a look on our home learning pages and we have put a few activities to do. Any concern please do not hesitate to contact me via email.Please get your child to send any work to me via email and I will have a look over it.

Regars Miss Julie Craven.

I will add a few webpages below also.

Classroom Subway Art: Responsibility | Responsibility quotes, Quotes for  students, No response