
Wearing face masks is one of the best ways of protecting yourself andothers from COVID-19, especially when in poorly ventilated spaces orwhen it is hard to physically distance yourself from others. Studentsand staff in years 3 to 6 are encouraged to wear a mask while indoors.People with COVID-19 and household contacts must

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**** Click on any of the below links for tips, videos and resources on how we can talk to our children about the potential dangers of being online, what we can do about it and how we can keep ourselves safe ***

10 Tips for Parents
Visit Link

Online Gaming Tips for Parents
Visit Link

Screen Time
Visit Link

Fractions Pre-test
Visit Link

Internet Safety
Visit Link

Bully Free NZ
Visit Link

Net Smartz
Visit Link

Safe Kids
Visit Link

Computer and Internet Agreement

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Educational Websites

Fun activities to help children aged 5-7 learn more about Maths.

Fun activities to help children aged 7 to 11 learn more about Maths.

Other Websites