Term 4
2023 Wāhanga Tuawhā
Manaaki Calendar
Congratulations Gina
Ka mau te wehi! Ko te tangata tuatoru.
Manu kōrero mai i a Tamaki Makaurau
Ko te tangata tuatahi mai i te Rākau Kauri
We had an awesome competition for Māori language week.
We are very grateful to David Riley for sharing his amazing knowledge that we can all be authors!
A special thank you to Fresh choice Glen Eden the donate fresh bread every week !
We took a small group to perform for the companies in our community that supported our fundraising efforts at Matariki.
We also celebrated Matariki with Lollipops Swanson.
Ko te mahi o te wāhanga tuarua
Term 2 work
Check how many days left.
Year 6 – All work books need to be finished *****Year 5 1/2 of all the workbooks finished
As we work we will build a depository
of evidence so we can explain where we are
and what we need to do next!!
2023 Ko te wāhanga tuatahi. Term 1